The First Annual Young Puppeteer Film Contest 2021


The Western Massachusetts Puppetry Guild proudly presents our very first “Young Puppeteer Film Contest” film presentation & award ceremony!


Here’s the list of films submitted.

Our wonderful guild member Dave Herrera has edited together all the submitted films into an evening of wonderful puppetry.

All of our young puppeteers did a fantastic job and really made this first contest, a grand success! We received 16 films with puppeteers ages ranging from 4 years old to 19 years old, covered 7 different film genres, utilized at least 6 different types of puppetry, and we received films from Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Ireland, and Mexico.


Our guild is working to create a large young puppeteer section of the guild made to bring them together and give them an opportunity to meet other kids who are fascinated by the art of puppetry just like us “adults”, so that they have a forum to collaborate with their peers.  We hope that this summer’s contest will inspire many new young puppeteers to join our guild in this mission.  There are not a lot of organization’s cultivating our next generation of puppeteers and we wish to change that!

For films by those under 18 or younger permission must be submitted by a parent or guardian on this form.